Understanding Overlays


  • Understanding overlays

  • An overlay means putting something over our main camera picture (example: lyrics, slides, Bible verses, announcements)

  • Make sure the NDI is set to Streams iMac - NDI

  • There are THREE sources you need to know about in OBS for getting what is being sent from our iMac onto OBS as an overlay.

    • 1 - Full Screen Slides -> This is used for slides that take up the full screen (example: our preservice slides).

    • 2 - Message Slides -> This is used for when the speaker is preaching so we can see both the slide and the speaker.

    • 3 - Worship lyrics/Bible verses - > This is used for when worship is playing or when the speaker is displaying a Bible verse.

  • Make sure to pay attention, but don’t stress about the overlays. It’s okay if the overlays are not perfect as we are all learning.