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Open the NDI Virtual Input on the Mac Mini
Click on the icon -> At the top left of one of the monitors, it will say NDI Virtual Input -> Beside this, click the NDI option -> In the dropdown menu click STREAMSS-IMAC -> then select Streams iMac - NDI 1
Login to the other Mac -> (PW: JesusLives11!)
Make sure pro presenter is open on the iMac
Make sure something is clicked and displaying (e.g. the give slide)
Make sure the NDI Virtual Input is open
Click on the icon -> At the top left of one of the monitors, it will say NDI Virtual Input -> Beside this, click the NDI option -> In the dropdown menu click STREAMSS-IMAC -> then select Streams iMac - NDI 1
Click on the Propresenter app
At the top left of the iMac click the menu item that says SCREENS -> in the dropdown menu, click Configure Screens -> Click Screen 2 -> Click the Output -> select New NDI and select 1080p29.97
Make sure that the NDI’s are both on this new NDI you created by following the same steps as above - DO THIS FOR BOTH THE IMAC AND MAC MINI
Click on the icon -> At the top left of one of the monitors, it will say NDI Virtual Input -> Beside this, click the NDI option -> In the dropdown menu click STREAMSS-IMAC -> then select Streams iMac - NDI 1
Relaunch ProPresenter
Relaunch OBS
Relaunch NDI’s (Both Computers)