
Help! No Lyrics or Slides!

  • Open the NDI Virtual Input on the Mac Mini

    • Click on the icon -> At the top left of one of the monitors, it will say NDI Virtual Input -> Beside this, click the NDI option -> In the dropdown menu click STREAMSS-IMAC -> then select Streams iMac - NDI 1


  • Login to the other Mac -> (PW: JesusLives11!)

  • Make sure pro presenter is open on the iMac

  • Make sure something is clicked and displaying (e.g. the give slide)

  • Make sure the NDI Virtual Input is open

    • Click on the icon -> At the top left of one of the monitors, it will say NDI Virtual Input -> Beside this, click the NDI option -> In the dropdown menu click STREAMSS-IMAC -> then select Streams iMac - NDI 1


  • Click on the Propresenter app

    • At the top left of the iMac click the menu item that says SCREENS -> in the dropdown menu, click Configure Screens -> Click Screen 2 -> Click the Output -> select New NDI and select 1080p29.97

  • Make sure that the NDI’s are both on this new NDI you created by following the same steps as above - DO THIS FOR BOTH THE IMAC AND MAC MINI

    • Click on the icon -> At the top left of one of the monitors, it will say NDI Virtual Input -> Beside this, click the NDI option -> In the dropdown menu click STREAMSS-IMAC -> then select Streams iMac - NDI 1


  • Relaunch ProPresenter

  • Relaunch OBS

  • Relaunch NDI’s (Both Computers)


Help! There's No iMac Audio!


Help! There's No Camera!